Yeomans Covid Pre‑visit add on upsell
The Challenge
Yeomans Group wanted to promote vehicle interior de‑sanitisations at booking. Efforts before engaging MGS led to mixed results and a very inconsistent performance across different sites and franchises. Some Service Advisors were not actively selling these add-ons, making it difficult for Yeoman’s to recover equipment costs and subsequently increase their workshop revenue. Efforts to increase workshop revenue by promoting our tactical campaigns into booking were inconsistent across our sites and franchises.
The Solution
Due to COVID, air con and vehicle interior de-sanitisation was a potential upsell opportunity. MGS worked with us to create and deploy a tactical and timely campaign, taking customers due more than seven days ahead; the campaign offered an interior health check de sanitisation to their booking for £30.
The Results
Turnover increased by £32,000. We sent tailor-made marketing to an audience of circa 12,000 customers, 95% of which were delivered. The campaign gave a compelling ROI of over 800%